I made a limited series podcast about fake news and disinformation for a class project; let me tell you about it!
Welcome to Faking the Presses! A podcast where a journalism student from Toronto Metropolitan University talks to established journalists and experts about their work on fake news, disinformation and online manipulation. This podcast explores the different forms of fake news that are possible and the different ways to avoid and combat it by discussing and analyzing real-life examples.
For one of my communications classes this year, I made a limited series podcast highlighting how fake news, disinformation, misinformation and online manipulation are changing with the times. Instead of writing a research paper, I wanted to use the skills I learned in my journalism classes. I originally wanted to create a video essay about this topic but had bigger plans. I spent two very busy months working on this podcast, sending emails and conducting interviews. It was definitely hard work! As of right now, I technically finished the series but I'm open to making more episodes with other journalists if they want to speak to me!
This was my entrance into audio and podcasting ("for real") and I learned a lot during the process. I experienced many (kind) rejections, learned to edit audio efficiently and cleanly, developed my interviewing skills and about marketing and promoting content.
Although I'm very happy and proud of this series, I know it's quite simple and basic compared to professional podcasts. But, this is just the beginning! I hope you're interested in the series and give it a listen! Here's the introductory episode and episodes come out weekly!
Episode 1: Introduction
In this episode, I introduce myself as a journalism student at TMU and explain that I created the podcast for a class project. I also explain the premise: I speak to different journalists and experts who work with disinformation to analyze a story they debunked. Through discussing different examples of fake news, I want to show how different and adaptable fake news has become, and how to avoid it.
Links & Resources
Find Kyana:
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/kyanas.journal
Website/Blog: https://kyanaalvarez.wixsite.com/site
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyanas.journal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyanasjournal